杰斯特拉UNA45HL疏水阀,杰斯特拉Gestra-UNA45HL疏水阀,德国杰斯特拉UNA45HL疏水阀,杰斯特拉疏水阀 德国Gestra是Flowserve集团的成员之一,在蒸汽阀和控制系统的设计和生产领域是**的**者,我们能为客户提供完全智能的解决方案。我们的产品和服务在以下领域有很多实际的应用: 蒸汽的产生,控制,流体系统、能源节省、环保和安全定位控制系统。 Gestra-疏水器与疏水器测试 Characteristics Medium: condensate Operational mode: automatic Type: variable-area Other characteristics: high-pressure Operating pressure: Max.: 160 bar (2,321 psi) Min.: 16 bar (232 psi) Operating temperature: Max.: 550 °C (1,022 °F) Min.: 200 °C (392 °F) Description The UNA Series consists of high-pressure ball-float condensate drain traps. It is well suited for use with heat exchangers. An ability to work without being affected by a back pressure is guaranteed. The range is also made compatible with discharging cold condensate applications. No banking up of condensate and no loss of live stream features are incorporated.